Dr. Dirk Farin, lead developer of libde265 HEVC/H.265 video codec has received Eurasip 2014 best paper award

STRUKTUR AG is glad to announce that the lead developer of their libde265 HEVC/H.265 video codec, Dr. Dirk Farin, has received the Eurasip 2014 best paper award for the “Signal Processing: Image Communication” journal [1], [2]. The research was carried out in a cooperation of the TU Eindhoven with the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute. This pioneering work discusses a fundamental new coding technique for multi-view 3D-video and significantly influenced the 3D-video coding extension currently being developed for HEVC and expected to be finalized in 2015.

libde265 HEVC decoder is already deployed in multimedia software such as VLC, Gnome gstreamer, a Windows codec package, a popular Chrome browser plugin and even as JavaScript-only HEVC player. The latest innovation, the HEVC/H.265 encoder is expected to be released as Open Source software in late 2014 under LGPL license. The company recently announced the application of the libde265 HEVC codec in its online presence software “Spreed.ME” which is widely seen as secure European alternative to Microsoft skype®.

More information about libde265 HEVC: http://www.libde265.org

libde265 HEVC on GitHub: https://github.com/strukturag/libde265/releases

More information about Spreed.ME: https://www.spreed.me


P. Merkle, Y. Morvan, A. Smolic, D. Farin, K. Müller, P.H.N. de With, T. Wiegand, “The effects of multiview depth video compression on multiview rendering,” Signal Processing: Image Communication, Volume 24, Issues 1–2, January 2009, Pages 73-88.




Software engineering firm STRUKTUR AG renowned innovations are the secure online presence software Spreed.ME, the Financial Mathematics suite FPS deployed by well acquainted European banks and insurance companies, and the High-Efficiency Video Coding/H.265 technology libde265 HEVC.

STRUKTUR’s experienced team of leaders and passionate engineers have a highly regarded reputation in the field of open source software. With the High-Efficiency Video Coding technology libde265 HEVC the firm is going to manifest its excellence and decade-long background in the area of image and (3D) video coding research.

categories: libde265, hevc, video